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Articles about Judi Bari
(last updated 6/13/05)
The Legacy of Judi Bari,
1949 - 1997 - Tributes by David Brower and
Karen Pickett
(from EF! Journal, Eostar 1997, posted here 6/3/02)
Judi Bari Dies But Her Spirit
Lives On - Obituary and biography
Nicholas Wilson. "Judi Bari was a fighter and organizer for social and
environmental justice. The common denominator in all the causes she fought
for was her indignation over injustice, whether in the form of racism,
sexism, political repression, economic exploitation, or ecological destruction."
The links just below take you directly to the subsections of the article,
written March 2, 1997, updated April 20, 1997.
Berkeley Tribute
to Judi Bari-
A packed house of over 1000
gathered April 26, 1997 in Berkeley to hear Ramona Africa, John Trudell,
June Jordan, Michael Parenti and many more honoring the life and achievements
of Judi Bari.(posted 5/2/97)
Tradeswoman Critiques Cockburn's
Nation Magazine "Memorial" of Judi Bari,
Open letter
to the editor of The Nation, from Helen Vozenilek, San Francisco,
March 13, 1997 (posted 4/20/97)
A Worker Rebuts Alexander Cockburn's
Nation magazine criticism of Judi Bari,
Open letter to
the editor of The Nation, from logger and sawmill millworker
Gene Lawhorn, Portland OR, March 20, 1997
A Worker's Tribute to Judi Bari,
by Gene Lawhorn, U. of Oregon L.A.W. Conference, March 15, 1997
A Women's History Day Tribute
to Judi Bari, speech by Ellen Drell, March
10, 1997
Letter from Rabbi Arthur Waskow,
FBI COINTELPRO target who sued and won! February 28, 1997
Many items below will open a new browser window and take you to other web sites.
Sendoff for Bari at Memorial Party, illustrated
story by Nicholas Wilson describes the March 9 memorial in Judi Bari's
hometown of Willits CA, and gives significant details of her early life
on the East Coast, March 18, 1997
Bari, Environmental Warrior, San Francisco Bay Guardian
article by Dennis Bernstein, March 5, 1997
Bari Fights On Despite Worsening Illness, story
by Nicholas Wilson, updating developments in the lawsuit agains the FBI
and related revelations of scandal in the FBI crime lab, February 25, 1997
Bari Resources Web Link Index Page provided by the ,
containing many links to articles and information in the Monitor and many
other sites.
Four excellent articles about Judi by Kim Goldberg, columnist
for Nanaimo Times and Harbour Life Magazine, all copyright
by Kim Goldgerg (all posted 4/20/97)
Never Surrender, "It
is not often that someone comes into this world who is such a firestorm
of passion, wit, insight and resolve that she ignites everyone she comes
in contact with, forever altering her universe." Harbour
Life Magazine, April 1997
The Price of Activism,
"In his famous essay titled 'On the Duty of Civil
Disobedience,' nineteenth century American writer Henry David Thoreau urged
citizens to 'Cast your whole vote, not a strip of paper merely, but your
whole influence.' Nothing less than liberty and democracy were at stake,
Thoreau maintained."
Harbour Life
Magazine,February 1997
Enemies of the State,
"In an age when national agendas are dictated by
the needs of transnational corporations, citizens protecting the natural
resources those corporations must exploit have become the new enemies of
the state." Nanaimo Times, January
2, 1996
Free Speech Has Its Price,
Review of Judi Bari's 1994 book Timber Wars.
"Activist Judi Bari's story highlights risks faced
by leaders of environmental movement." Nanaimo
Times, June 20, 1995